A Southern Tradition

The Southern Golf Association (SGA), founded in 1902, is one of the oldest golf organizations and serves member clubs over a 15-state-area. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the SGA is recognized by the United States Golf Association (USGA) and Regional Golf Associations as one of the leaders in the promotion of Amateur Golf. The SGA is annual host to the Southern Junior Championship as well as the storied Southern Amateur Championship.
The SGA is one of the founding organizations of the Elite Amateur Golf Series (EAGS), launching in 2022. The EAGS mission is to enhance amateur golf by aligning seven of the top competitive amateur championships and providing exceptional playing opportunities for the best amateur golfers to compete at the highest level. Created to challenge the best of the best in amateur golf, the EAGS brings together the top amateur championships in a collective series of competitions, the Elite Amateur Cup. The EAGS vision is to be the most sought-after amateur golf championships that unlock the most competitive landscape to build the game's next greats. EAGS member events include: Sunnehanna Amateur, Northeast Amateur, North & South Amateur, Trans-Miss Amateur, Southern Amateur, Pacific Coast Amateur and Western Amateur.
Through the years, SGA Champions and competitors have been chosen to represent various state golf associations in selected team competitions, including the Walker Cup and World Amateur. Many past and present top level tour players have competed and won the Southern Amateur such as Bobby Jones, Ben Crenshaw, Justin Leonard, Harris English and Webb Simpson to name a few.
The Southern Junior was first played in 1972 as a Junior Division of the Southern Amateur Championship. Since that time, it has evolved into a premier championship on the summer Junior circuit.
The SGA is governed by a Board of Directors of up to 45 members that represent the association's geographic footprint. Six officers and the staff from the Alabama Golf Association oversee the day-to-day operations.
Southern Amateur Past Results
Southern Junior Past Results